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I’ll be on the Zinefest this weekend! I highly recommend!
Organized by a small handful of zine-enthusiasts, the Zine Fest Berlin is back for it’s fourth year in a row this year on 8-9 November. Focusing on the subversive culture of self-made publications aka “zines*”, the Zine Fest will provide a platform and meeting place for zine-lovers and small self-publishers across an international crowd. Zines are part of a subculture of Do-It-Yourself, an idea where the relation between production and consumption has shifted. Zines are individual autonomous voices, and the Zine Fest wants to bring them to the public and celebrate how special they are!
Zinefest Berlin is a DIY event- that means, it is what you bring to it, and we encourage everyone attending to feel responsible for making it a totally awesome event. We encourage everyone to participate, help out, clean up, skill share, check-in with each other, etc!
– If you’d like to join our organizing group, write to us at contact(at)zinefestberlin(dot)com
– If you’d like to help volunteer during the weekend, give us a shout at volunteers(at)zinefestberlin(dot)com
– If you wanna do a workshop, let us know: workshops(at)zinefestberlin(dot)com
– To have a table, please see the “tables/stände” page for more info.
DATE/ TIME: 8-9 Novemberber, 2014. 12-7pm. Entrance price: donation!
VENUE: This year again we are at the SFE, Gneisenaustr. 2A (U6 Mehringdamm) The building is accessible with an elevator.
The SFE is in the backyard, not on the main street… go through the main gate on Gniesenaurstr, walk forward all the way and turn left. You will pass the Clash bar. When you get to the next backyard, the venue building is directly on your right, with a big red face sculpture on the wall. We are up on the 3rd floor. To access the elevator, there will be a phone number to call, and we’ll come down to you.
*A zine is a self-published, small circulation, non-commercial booklet or
magazine, usually produced by one person or a few individuals.